Coral consulting service

Economic growth to stability in south-east Europe

CORAL Consulting Service for south-east Europe is designed as a platform for networking and developing business relations between countries in the region as well as connecting the region with the EU, its institutions, bodies and administration and business circles in the Union. Such an organizational structure creates the basis on which the economic interest of the countries in south-east Europe interconnects with the EU countries.

CORAL Consulting Service will focus on the development and encouragement of investment projects in the region of south-east Europe. It will pay special attention to investments in the sectors of infrastructure, environmental protection, energy, tourism, agriculture and manufacturing. Through its activities, CORAL Consulting Service intends to support the public sector and local entrepreneurs, as well as international investors and capital investors.

Coral Consulting Service plans a number of different jobs and activities. Their purpose is to strengthen the growth and development of the economy and achieve sustainable stable growth.